2655 Cleveland Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 • (707) 542-1026

New Patients

We look forward to seeing you! Dr. Phillips and his team are warm, friendly people focused on giving you the excellent dental care you deserve.

When You Come For An Office Visit

Promptness is very important: Please allow time for traffic or other obstacles to arrive for your appointment on time. If you must leave home or work early, please do so. Every delay affects everyone's schedule. We appreciate these courtesies. Our patients have busy schedules and we plan our schedule accordingly. This allows everyone to have a good day.

Help us get to know you!

Complete our forms online

We will email you the link to our electronic forms along with your appointment day and time or you can click on the link below. Please complete our electronic forms a minimum of 48 hours before your appointment in order to give our office time to prepare for your visit. Our online forms are safe to use and when the submit button is clicked, they will be securely delivered to our office.

Click here to complete our forms online

If you don't use email, let us know so we can make accommodations.

If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment: Call our office or text our office at (707)542-1026. You can also email the office at [email protected]

We look forward to meeting you at your first appointment.

“When a Dental Practice is so goo that multi-generations of patients have chosen to stay with multi-generations of dentists, that says a lot for that particular Dental Practice, in this case Phillips Family Dental Care!”

— Richard Noar October 12th, 2018